Play Steam Games on Chromebook

Here is a quick guide on how to play steam games on Chromebook. This will allow you to play Steam Games (compatible with Linux) on your Chromebook. To do this, you will need to have a Chromebook with Linux support . If your chromebook does not support Linux beta, you can check out my older tutorial on playing steam games on chromebook using cr

Step 1: Enable Linux Beta

Enable Linux beta.

Step 2: Enable Chrome Flags

Open up chrome://flags and enable the following two flags.

GPU Support

Mouse Pointer Lock

Afterwords, reboot your chromebook.

Step 3: Run Script

There is an official script published by Chrome OS developers that will automatically configure your Linux environment to support steam games on Chromebook. Copy and paste the following into your Linux terminal.

/usr/bin/curl -L "" | /usr/bin/base64 -d > /tmp/; /bin/chmod a+x /tmp/; /usr/bin/sudo /tmp/

This will install Steam and the necessary packages. After this completes, reboot your Chromebook.

Step 4: Open Up Steam

Finally, open up your Linux terminal again and type in steam. Steam should launch.