Recover Wifi Password Android

Starting with Android 10, it’s easy to recover wifi passwords for any network that you are connected to. In order to recover wifi passwords on Android, you will need to make sure that your device is running Android 10 or later. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S20, or Galaxy S21 then this will work for you.

Step 1: Get Wifi QR code

Go into the Wifi settings and select the network you are currently connected to. At the bottom of the screen, there should be an option which reads “QR”. Select the button to get a QR code of the image.

Step 2: Decode QR code

You can download this free app , to read that QR code back. Once you open that app, select the scan image button and to retrieve that QR code image from your gallery. Once you retrieve it, it should display to you the Wifi password.